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Tree Commission Minutes 02/21/2008
Minutes of a meeting of
The Old Lyme Tree Commission
February 21, 2008

Regular members present: Joanne DiCamillo, Pat Moll, Anne Bing, Emily Griswold
Alternate member: Gerry Foster
Members absent: Joan Flynn (alternate), Adela Wilmerding (regular), Tom Degnan (ex-officio)
Guests: none

A quorum being present, Chairman Joanne DiCamillo called the meeting to order at 4:05 P.M.
A quorum of regular members not being present, Gerry Foster was authorized to vote.

Pat Moll was seated at 4:10 P.M.


Clerk’s Report
The minutes of the 01/17/08 meeting were reviewed. Anne Bing moved to accept the minutes with no changes, Gerry Foster seconded the motion. SO VOTED.

Treasurer’s Report
Joanne DiCamillo reported that the balance remaining in the General Fund was $19,039.18 as of 1/31/2008. She reviewed a few of the budget expenses beginning with the July 1, 2007 fiscal year. It included the Tree Warden’s stipend of $1500 and Public Works expenditures of $6,110.

Ferry Road & Rte. 156 – evaluation
Joanne contacted the Sedgewicks about trimming the euonymus and the general plan being considered for cleaning up the area.  Joanne is concerned about protecting the Sedgwick’s privacy because Mrs. Sedgwick stated there is a problem in the summer with people ignoring the “No Parking” signs in the fire well right-of-way to fish in the river. Joanne spoke to First Selectman Griswold about installing a gate there, and she will be meeting with Mrs. Sedgewick on Sunday to discuss trimming the shrubs and removing the invasives.  

High Hopes – sightline problem
The commission members looked at the area around the High Hopes sign and would like the brush to be trimmed first, before a decision is made about removing the tree.

Private Property hazardous tree removal
Joanne contacted the Selectman’s office and told Cathy Frank of the commission’s recommendation that the Heflon Road homeowner contact the tree owner directly about the problem. Cathy agreed to inform the homeowner.

Old Shore Road – removals
The trees are scheduled to be removed in the next week. Adela Wilmerding contacted the owners of an additional hazardous tree near the stop sign on Buttonball Rd. They gave permission to have the tree removed. Joanne spoke with Bob from the Public Works Dept. to confirm who will be removing the trees. She suggested that Adela get in touch with Tennett Tree Svc. directly. They will be removing the other trees in the area.

Stump Removals
A list of stumps needing removal was compiled. The stumps will be removed so new trees can be planted.
There is one at the corner of Lieutenant River Lane & Ferry Road, three on the Old Shore Road/Buttonball Road triangle, two in front of the Wenck’s property on Mile Creek Road, and one on the Sill Lane Green.

Election of Chairman
A motion was made by Pat Moll, seconded by Ann Bing and voted unanimously to reappoint Joanne DiCamillo as chairman for 2008.                                                   
Tree Planting – develop list of sites and species
Joanne asked the commission members to recommend tree species for planting at the following sites: Ferry Road & Lieutenant River Lane, Buttonball & Old Shore Road, and the Wenck property on Mile Creek Road. The trees will be planted in the fall.

Gerry Foster stated that more people have complained about the willow tree growing along Hall’s Road in the front of the Bowerbird. There was a similar discussion among the members about the same tree last month. The tree was topped and is an eyesore. The owners of the shopping center are responsible for the trees and landscaping there. Emily Griswold agreed to speak to Jennifer Hillhouse and Bud Canady, shareholders in Old Lyme Stores Inc., about the tree.


Review HDC Sculpture Policy Final draft including Tree Commission Advisory Role   
The final draft of the HDC Sculpture Policy was not completed.  Joanne reported that the final draft would include the same language as reviewed previously regarding the Tree Commission’s advisory role. The Tree Commission has agreed to act as advisors regarding the selection and placement of trees and shrubs used for screening temporary sculpture exhibits.

Town Hall Landscape plan – nursery plants
Joanne reported that Barbara Traskos has asked to have the screening shrubs planted between her property and the Town Hall in May, instead of September as originally planned. Town Hall employees, who have been working offsite during the renovation, will be returning to the Town Hall in May. According to Bob Sullivan, who is the clerk of the works for the Town Hall expansion, the drainage and grading will be finished by May when the staff returns, and he would like to have the front of the Town Hall landscaped at that time. In addition, possibly some of the nursery plants could be transplanted and incorporated into the new plan in May. Joanne suggested that he contact the landscape architect, Steve Wing, about the moving up the planting schedule.

The town is required by the DEP to install a large swale in the rear of Town Hall to purify the runoff from the parking area before it reaches the wetlands and the Lieutenant River. There is a slippery elm tree there and the Tree Commission wants to make sure that the roots are not damaged when the swale is installed. There will be a meeting at Town Hall on Saturday, 9/23 at 9 AM. Tom Degnan and Al Zack will discuss the situation.

Church Corner
Joanne reported that there will be a Church Corner Committee meeting on Monday with the HDC. The sidewalk on Ferry Road will be extended to the South Green and Joanne is concerned about the affect it will have on the maple tree on the corner. She would like the area over the tree roots to remain grass.

Next scheduled meeting is on Thursday, March 20, 2008 at 4 PM at the Lymes’ Senior Center.

Pat Moll moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:15 PM, Anne Bing seconded the motion. SO VOTED.

Submitted by:

Martha Hansen, Clerk